dinsdag 23 augustus 2011

The MX dynasty portraits

Currently I'm working, among other things, on a painting for Mr. MX of The Museum Of Weird Art (MOWA).
It is a portrait of his daughter Nanou. I have portrayed her as the sacred Nanou, with a golden tree in the background. The painting is not finished yet, so this is a sneak preview.

Earlier I made this "portrait" of Mr. MX himself (De jammerlijk gefaalde berenjacht van Koning Mx/ The failed bearhunt of King Mx, oil on canvas, 40 x 40 cm). 

And also, I painted a portrait of his son Dado and his wife Danielle ('Prins Dado Damascus en zijn gemalin prinses Daniƫlle de Schoone op hun Grand Tour'/Prince Dado Damascus and his consort Princess Daniƫlle the Handsome on their Grand Tour, oil on canvas, 40 x 40 cm).


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