zaterdag 30 april 2016

Garniture challenge in blue and white

It's more or less a 'challenge' to me, painting about 6 vases in only two weeks. Together with ceramic artist Tineke van Gils I am making a so called 'Delftware garniture', 'Delftsblauw kaststel' in Dutch.
The set of vases is part of the upcoming exhibition 'In het straatje van Vermeer', see previous post.
The exhibition is organized in connection to the fact that Vermeer's famous painting 'The little street' is now on display for the first time at the Delft museum Het Prinsenhof.  
For this exhibition artist reflect on and are inspired by this famous work. 
On the picture below ceramic artist Tineke van Gils is showing the first finished vase.


dinsdag 12 april 2016

The Adventures

Recently, these recent paintings were photographed/scanned by studio Buitenhof, Den Haag.

De avonturen van Noah en Milou in het rijk van de pijprokende apen 
The Adventures of Noah and Milou in the realm of the pipe-smoking monkeys
Oil on canvas
40 x 40 cm
Commissioned by/collection M. van Peteghem

De boodschapper
The messenger
Oil on panel
 54 x 18 cm

Onderhandelaars (Zeeslag der Sultans)
Negotiators (Naval battle of the Sultans)
Oil on panel
23 x 33,5

zondag 3 april 2016

The Little Street

Upcoming ceramic exhibition:
In het straatje van Vermeer, In Vermeer's little street
Kerk Op Hodepeil (Church Op Hodenpijl), Schipluiden
Curator: Tineke van Gils

May 3-29 2016
Open Mon-Sun 10 AM - 5 PM

vrijdag 1 april 2016

Ornaments and architecture

Ornaments and Hundertwasser, ceramics and paint. And some late night work.
A few days ago I had a very important presentation for a commission.
Now I just have to wait for the result, very exciting. And difficult because
the competition is really tough. 

But what the result may be, it was already immensely cool to work on the design.